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Strings and Integers

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Strings and Integers

Command:Print (B)
Codeskulptor: print "Hello"
EzpzJs ExplainationThis is a print command that works with last Insert Body tag
bprint notes:This is the standard print statement. You should use this when doing a print command.

Command:Printwln (B)
Codeskulptor: print "Hello"
EzpzJs ExplainationThis is a print command that works with last Insert Body tag with no line break
bprint notes:This is the standard print statement. You should use this when doing a print command.

Command:Print (A)
Codeskulptor: print "Hello"
EzpzJs ExplainationThis is a print command that works with First Insert Body tag
bprint notes:This is a special print statement. You should use this when doing a print command to let the user know something about your program

Command:Printwln (A)
Codeskulptor: print "Hello"
EzpzJs ExplainationThis is a print command that works with First Insert Body tag without a limb
bprint notes:This is a special print statement. You should use this when doing a print command to let the user know something about your program

Command:Print (Z)
Codeskulptor:print "Hello"
EzpzJs ExplainationThis is a print command that drops your variable in the body wherever the script is
EzpzJs Notes:This should never really be used. If you know what your doing enough to use this, you should just make alterations wherever necessary. Nothing personal, just a suggestion.

Command:Printwln (Z)
Codeskulptor:print "Hello"
EzpzJs ExplainationThis is a print command that drops your variable in the body wherever the script is (without a line break).
EzpzJs Notes:This should never really be used. If you know what your doing enough to use this, you should just make alterations wherever necessary. Nothing personal, just a suggestion.

Command:String Conversion
EzpzJs Explaination:This is a command to convert a number to a string

Command:String to Integer Converstion
EzpzJs Explaination:This command converts a string to a number

Command:Check string for number
EzpzJs Explaination:Checks to see if a string is a number

Codeskulptor: random.randrange(0, 10)
EzpzJS:rand(1, 10)
EzPzJS ExplainationThe first number in range is included in the random selection, so is the last number.