All Codes

Strings and Integers

Control Panel Items



Event Handlers

Control Panel Items

CommandInput Text Box
Codeskulptor:inp = frame.add_input('My label', input_handler, 50)
EasyPeezyJS Literal:text("Label", "IdOfText", 50, "Yes", "FunctionName")
EasyPeezyJS Explaination:text(Label of Text, HTML ID of Text Box, Width, Vertical placement Yes/No, "FunctionName")
EzpzJs Notes:This does get a drop in the "InsertBody Tag"

Codeskulptor:frame.add_button(text, button_handler, width)
pzezJS:button('Range is [0, 100)', "upto99", "yes");
PeezyEasyJS Exlainationbutton(Text on button, function to call, Vertical? Yes or No
EzpzJs Notes:This does get a drop in the "InsertBody Tag"